The Fast T-Jet® Blazer uses the very robust and fast Epson4800 print engine to print vibrant, durable prints on white, light and dark shirts up to 17" x 47" in size. It is capable of printing on almost any type of fabric material as well as non-textiles, such as golf balls, keyboards and tennis balls.
the latest innovations in User Interface technology, the Blazer has
an extendable display screen, making many printer functions and
commands readily accessible. With a built-in dual voltage converter,
theBlazer can be operated using AC power from 110-240 volts. Only 35"
wide by 46" high and 77" long (89 x 117 x 196 cm), the printer can be
operatedin a shop,
a basement or even a spare bedroom, requiring a working area of only 10 ft x 12 ft (3 x 4 m).
The Fast T-Jet® Blazer is cost effective for both small and large jobs. With an ink cost of less than 40 cents per shirt (standard print size on light shirts) and speeds of about 45 seconds for a 12" x 12" image on a white garment*, you also get great production! With 180 nozzles per color,resolutions as high as 2880 x 1440 dpi can be achieved.
Utilizing an 8 color (4 CMYK, 4 White) system, the Blazer comes complete with a continuous flow bulk ink system, four 8 oz. starter bottles of FastINK™ Textile CMYK color, 1 liter of FastINK™ White, two gallons of pretreatment for dark shirts, AND a great graphics application called FastARTIST™. Raster Image Processing Software called FastRIP™ is also included to perform accurate color matching and queue functions. (FastRIP™ and FastARTIST™ will only work on a Windows™ based system.)
FastIINK™ and the Fast T-Jet® Blazer work together to produce a very durable image that willstand up to many washings without fading or yellowing in sunlight. The finished print must be heat set using either a standard heat transfer press or conveyor dryer, but no additional treatment is necessary.